Tuesday, April 17, 2007

Smiling About It

Introduction, honouring our unpleasant experiences (stress) is the healthy thing to do. We can learn how to stay with the stressor, until we can smile with it.

Research is clearly showing that is important not to ignore what is happening physically or emotionally inside of us. The 2 reactive habits are either:
  • Aversion- distracting Awareness and Caring away from the unpleasant (stressful) experience itself.
  • Attachment- adding a personal pronoun to the unpleasant experience, 'I am so bad', 'They are ...' etc. (making or taking it too personal)
  1. Recognize and softly name the unpleasant experience.
  2. Turn into the unpleasant sensations/emotions that are held in the mind/body.
  3. Stay with it in a accepting non-judgmental way until the mind starts to smile about it


  • Each morning, chose just one unpleasant experience to start working with.
  • Later as your trust and skill increase apply as required throughout the day. (more ....